- Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen This is one of the most popular algorithm books, but be aware that it contains a heavy dose of theory. The current edition of this book is the 3rd Edition, and I strongly suggest that every programmer should have this in their bookshelf, but only for short reading and references.
It’s not possible to finish this book in one sitting, and some of you may find it difficult to read as well, but don’t worry, you can combine your learning with an online course like Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java along with this book. Data Structures and Algorithms: Deep Dive Using Java So you’ve worked with the basics of data structures and algorithms in Java (or another OO programming language) but… click.linksynergy.com
This is like the best of both worlds, you learn basic Algrotihsm quickly in an online course, and then you further cement that knowledge by going through the book, which would make more sense to you now that you have gone through a class already. Another reason I recommend this book as one of the first books on algorithm because of its language agnostic and accompanied by lectures here. A big thanks to all the authors Thomas H Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest for this creating this most comprehensive resource, also known as CLRS book on Algorithms
- Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick & Kevin Wayne This was my preferred resource on algorithms for a long time, it still is, but now I see it less often than before. You will learn lots of background on the algorithm, and nowadays, even specific versions of this book are available for different programming languages like Java and C++.
There’s also a couple of free Coursera online courses for this book, Algorithms Part 1 and Algorithms Part 2, which nicely complements this book. It’s excellent. It’s also my top recommendation to Java programmers for learning algorithms. Algorithms, Part I | Coursera This course covers the essential information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data… bit.ly
Algorithms, Part II | Coursera This course covers the vital information that every serious programmer needs to know about algorithms and data… coursra.com
While on Coursera , it also has some of the best collection of Data Structures and Algorithms courses covering each and essential topic. They are bundled together as Coursera Specialization on Algorithms. If you are keen on learning Algorithms in-depth, that’s the place I would suggest you go. Believe it or not, but if you already know a programming language, then seeing an example of an algorithm on that programming language than others also reduces the learning curve. You can also read the 4th Edition of this book online for free here. And, if you find Coursera courses useful, which they are because they are created by reputed companies and universities around the world, I suggest you join the Coursera Plus, a subscription plan from Coursera which gives you unlimited access to their most popular courses, specialization, professional certificate, and guided projects. It cost around $399/year but its complete worth of your money as you get unlimited certificates.
- The Algorithm Design Manual by Steve S. Skiena This is another excellent book on computer algorithms that go over a ton of algorithms with a lot of code as well. What I especially like about the book is where he actually gives examples of where he used the algorithms (or variations thereof) in practice; it really helps you see the class(es) of problems that a particular algorithm (or family of algorithms) can be used for.
The code is in C, but it’s not very esoteric, and it’s easy to follow. I had also been out of school for a while, and this helped me get up to speed quite quickly on a number of graph algorithms. I’ve had this book for almost ten years now and still look at it from time to time. Big thanks to @SteveSkiena
- Algorithm for Interviews Algorithm for Interview by Adnan Aziz is a must-read book on algorithms, written in terms of keeping programming interview in mind.
The cover itself shows how unusual the book could be if you look at the image closely on the cover is drawn with thumbnails of famous people, and the book explains how you can develop such algorithms. Interesting, isn’t it? Well, I like this book because of its approach and objective, sometimes learning the same thing with different object helps to understand it better.
- Algorithm in Nutshell O’Reilly’s Algorithms, in a Nutshell, is an excellent book to learn programming algorithms, especially for Java programmers. It describes the algorithms with a focus on implementing them and without heavy mathematics used in classic books on algorithms.
All algorithms are presented in pattern form, with a motivation to use them, pictures and pseudo-code giving a high-level overview, and working code (in C, C++, Java, and Ruby). They also have benchmarks to provide proof of the theoretical performance of the algorithms. In short, one of the best books to learn algorithms for programmers.
- Algorithm Design by Kleinberg & Tardos This is actually the second-best book in Algorithms after Thomas Cormon’s Introduction to Algorithms. It’s not really an introduction to algorithms and more suited to experienced programmers.
It’s more about algorithm design for developers familiar with the necessary algorithms. You should start with the Introduction of Algorithm book or Algorithms by Robert Sedgewick and then continue with this book. Btw, if you like, you can also combine your learning with an online course like Algorithms and Data Structures — Part 1 and 2 on Pluralsight. It’s an excellent course to get familiar with essential Algorithms and Data Structure before you move on to the Algorithm Design topic.
- Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach Introduction to Algorithms: A Creative Approach By Udi Manber is another excellent book for self-study as it is full of hundreds of problems and examples.
It is designed to enhance the candidate’s problem-solving abilities and understanding of the principles behind algorithm design, which will help you to develop your Problem solving and Coding skills.
The Design and Analysis of Algorithms This is another great cook on computer algorithms and deserves a place in a programmer’s shelf. Once you’ve gone through the Coursera Specialization on Algorithms and one of the intro book, you can read this book for studying advanced topics in algorithms.
Data Structures and Algorithms. Aho, Ullman & Hopcroft Another good intro book on algorithms and data structures. A lovely and bright book and any programmer who doesn’t like heavy use of Mathematics on the algorithm will appreciate this book.
Btw, if you find this book challenging to read, which is what some of my readers complain, then you can also take a look at the Grokking Algorithms by Aditya Bhargava, one of the easiest and exciting books on Algorithms for beginners.
- Python Algorithms: Mastering Basic Algorithms in the Python Language This book is designed for Python programmers. Magnus Lie Hetland is also the author of one of the popular introductory Python book, Beginning Python.
As I have told that algorithms are language-independent; learning python algorithm doesn’t mean you cannot implement them in Java or C++, but if you already know Python, then this is an excellent book to learn computer algorithms. This book also gives a lot of focus on Graph Algorithms, which is very useful in solving real-world problems.